Our Hospital, Our StoriesAn End-of-Year Message of Gratitude from Board Chair Dr. Zaheer Lakhani
Posted on: Dec 27, 2020Dr. Zaheer Lakhani, Board Chair of the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation, shares our collective appreciation, gratitude and respect for our hospital workers on the front line, leading the fight and giving us all hope—and the donors standing behind them.

The pandemic has caused untold damage to so many of our lives. And, as we all know, our battle with it is still ongoing.
Dr. Zaheer Lakhani, Board Chair of the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation, shares our collective appreciation, gratitude and respect for our hospital workers on the front line, leading the fight and giving us all hope—and the donors standing behind them, helping make it all possible and reminding us we're not alone.
Watch the video here, and see below for the full transcript.
Wishing peace, blessings and gratitude to everyone during this holiday season.
Make your gift today
This time last year, none of us would have imagined that within a few short weeks, we would be facing the ravages of a devastating, invisible enemy that has touched the lives—and in so many cases, livelihoods—of almost every single one of us in one way or another.
However, this time next year looking back, I know that much of us will recall with gratitude the amazing resilience, kindness, creativity and commitment of our fellow Albertans who stepped up at this time of need in so many different ways, bringing us hope and reminding us of the meaning of community. To these amazing volunteers, we all say a sincere thank you.
As well, today, on behalf of the Foundation, I want to express our collective heartfelt thank you to every single frontline hospital team member, doing their best at every level of service, in this continuing battle.
While we may be a large and hugely capable facility, the Royal Alexandra Hospital is also under enormous strain—not only in our intensive care units that tend to the sickest of us, but in virtually every outpatient unit trying to cope with daily unprecedented challenges.
As a practicing Royal Alex physician myself, I witness firsthand every single day the importance—and the impact—of donor support, not least for the moral boost your donations give to each and every single member of our front line teams. It is a reminder that we are not alone, and that you are standing by our side in this battle every step of the way. For those of you who have already given, our deepest appreciation. To those of you who are thinking of an end-of-year donation, we welcome your support.
May the peace and blessings of the holiday season be with all of you, and may the gift of gratitude remain with all of us, every single day of our lives.
Thank you.