Our Hospital, Our StoriesGive A Breath 2021 takes major strides to support lung cancer research—thank you!
Posted on: Jun 24, 2021This year's Give A Breath 5k walk/run brought in more than $25,000, with the three year total reaching over $100,000!!! Huge thank you to our donors and everyone who chose to show their support for lung cancer research.

Dear friends,
This year's virtual Give a Breath 5k walk/run in support of the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation and Alberta Cancer Foundation saw 166 registrants come together from all across Canada, all in the name of lung cancer research. Snapshots and sentiments came through from near and far—racers contributed from their own space, and at a safe social distance.
This year the race brought in more than $25,000 resulting in the three-year total reaching over $100,000!!!
This was not possible without all of the participants, sponsors, and donors over the last three years and for that we say thank you.
This year's walk/run may be over; but race founder Tim Monds wanted to share a special message of thanks:
Please save the date for next year's Give A Breath 5k run/walk, set for June 4th, 2022!
A special thank you to our 2021 Give A Breath sponsors!
Once again, thank you for giving hope to patients and families who are fighting lung cancer. Your support and your steps truly made a difference this year!
If you wish to donate and support lung cancer research, you can still do so by clicking here