Our Hospital, Our StoriesGiving more for the Holidays - A Year-End Message From Our Board Chair
Posted on: Dec 22, 2021Our Chair of the Board, George Coon, shares something he's learned throughout the pandemic—that the more we give, the more we seem to get. So, give a bit more this holiday season.

Dear friends,
As each year comes to a close, we often turn to a period of reflection. In doing so, we give ourselves the opportunity to process what we’ve experienced, better understand and learn from the past, and carry forward the wisdom we’ve gained.
Not a typical year by any means, what we have seen covers ups and downs of many kinds—progress and setbacks, confusion and epiphanies, the bitter and the sweet.
One of these small, somewhat counterintuitive learnings I’ve observed is that we seem to get more by giving.
That is, the more we give to each other, the more we gain as a community.
The compassion, kindness, and unshakeable devotion that our frontline healthcare teams have given to those in their care has been nothing short of remarkable. And while they may stand exhausted—or sit, lay, or sometimes slump—this care has given our community so much inspiration and determination. It lifts us up, and fills us with a sense of resolve, that together we can push ahead to kinder times, calmer times, and times where we are wiser and stronger as a result.
And do not leave yourself out of the equation.
For a start, give yourself some credit for getting through what you’ve been through.
Take a moment to think of you who were at the start of the pandemic and who you are now. I am sure you are a different person now, and I am sure it has been no easy task, facing some of life’s most unexpected challenges and changes and emerging on the other end.
And secondly, give yourself more credit for what you’ve contributed. Whether obvious or not, at some point you’ve provided support to a friend or a loved one, with a gesture as small as a friendly smile at the right time, or something larger and more pronounced. No matter your age or occupation, in some way you have helped us all move forward.
At the hospital, we’ve seen donors give and give, and hear and feel the rewards of those gifts. Stories of more family members making it home, stories of people reaching out to help a stranger, and moments of unbridled gratitude.
So as we head into this holiday season, I encourage you to give just a bit more.
Give yourself a chance to rest and reset, give more love to those around you, and don’t be afraid to give others the benefit of the doubt.
And if you can make a year-end charitable gift to the hospital, thank you in advance. If you have already given, know that your gift is truly felt, and if you are not able at this time, please know that the gifts of your kindness and compassion to others are also appreciated.
Thank you for your support of our hospital, and our community. Take care.
George Coon, FCPA, FCMA, ICD.D, CFP
Chair of the Board of Directors,
Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation