Our Hospital, Our StoriesGratitude Abounds for Donors Who Helped to Bring the PET/CT Scanner to the Royal Alex
Posted on: May 28, 2021Through an historical $3.5 million fundraising campaign, donors made the acquisition of an incredible new PET/CT scanner a reality for Royal Alex staff and patients. We at the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation could not be more grateful.

The long-awaited and much-celebrated PET/CT scanner at the Royal Alexandra Hospital is now operational thanks to donors from across northern Alberta.
"PET/CT scans provide information unattainable through other imaging technologies by imaging the body's function at the molecular level." - Dr. Bill Anderson, AHS Zone Medical Director, Diagnostic Imaging.
Having access to this PET/CT scanner provides Royal Alexandra Hospital physicians with the opportunity to identify disease in its earliest stages and determine its exact location. Often this means they can find potentially life-threatening issues before symptoms occur or abnormalities can be detected with other diagnostic tests.
When our physicians see more, they can do more.
A sincere thank you to each and every donor that supported the historical $3.5 million campaign. Donors made this incredible piece of equipment a reality for Royal Alex staff and patients and we at the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation could not be more grateful.