Our Hospital, Our StoriesSplit the Pot: Winning for More Than Just Yourself
Posted on: Jan 03, 2025With Split the Pot, you change your life while helping to change the lives of others. Like Annette and Ron Kos, you could win big while helping support local hospital and healthcare foundations across Alberta.

Winning a lottery is a moment that can change everything, and for Annette and Ron Kos, their grand prize win in Split the Pot Lottery did just that. As one of thirteen grand prize winners who split nearly $600,000 in the grand prize jackpot, Annette and Ron took home an incredible $179,115—a life-changing amount. What makes their story even more special is their connection to the hospital, which influenced their decision to purchase a lottery ticket in the first place.
When they heard about Split the Pot lottery, and how it was helping to support hospitals and healthcare foundations across Alberta, Annette and Ron were more than happy to purchase tickets. In their mind, it was a way to give back to hospitals and healthcare that they had received support from for years. Unknown to them at the time, their ticket brought them more than just good intentions—it brought them a big win.
“It was quite early in the morning at home and a friend called me because they had seen a post on Facebook saying I had won. I didn’t believe it, you don’t trust everything you see on Facebook, and then shortly after I told my friend I would call them back, the Royal Alex Hospital Foundation called me with the good news!” – Annette Kos, Prize Winner
The win was an absolute shock for Annette. After receiving the call confirming their win, she immediately called her husband Ron to let him know. Neither could believe the news.
Through Split the Pot, participants have the opportunity to select which foundation or hospital their ticket supports. Annette and Ron chose to support the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation as a thanks for the years of care they and their family had received at the hospital. The connection to healthcare in Alberta was deeper than that, however. Their daughter works at their local hospital in Drayton Valley as well. The choice to support healthcare through their Split the Pot ticket was both personal and meaningful. They never expected their choice to support an important cause would end up rewarding their generosity.
With their win, Annette and Ron planned a memorable Christmas for their grandkids and a special spa day for Annette at Pigeon Lake with their daughters and granddaughters. They’ve described the security and comfort the win has brought them as invaluable, allowing them to dedicate more time to family than before as they look at retirement. Just as important for them, however, is the cause it has helped support.
“It helps. It makes life easier. It gives you that little bit of a cushion. It buys you some time in the present. It buys you some peace of mind. We don’t need the money, but it gives us that comfort. We are so grateful for winning, but even more grateful that the money was well spent. I’m sure we’ll be buying another ticket to continue supporting (our local) hospitals.” – Annette & Ron Kos
Their story is a reminder of the power of giving and how a small act—like purchasing a lottery ticket that starts at just $15—can have a big impact.
“It’s $100 bucks and you could help change a life. And who knows? You might even get a call telling you that you’ve won!” – Ron Kos
As Annette and Ron showed, Split the Pot is more than just a lottery—it's a way to support local hospitals and healthcare foundations like the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation that truly need it.
Enter the Split the Pot Lottery now and be part of something bigger. Don’t miss out on your chance to support healthcare and help change not only your life, but the lives of those in your community in the process!